How to wash a deep fryer

The deep fryer is a multifunctional household appliance. It is used to make potato fried foods. The popularity of this device is constantly growing and every year more and more housewives purchase this device.

Like all appliances, the deep fat fryer requires some care. If it is used quite often, then the user must know how to wash and clean it correctly. The thing is that poor-quality cleaning will lead to plaque formation, which is difficult to get rid of.

To clean the device you will need a dishwashing detergent, a paper towel, a sponge, heated water, salt.

Some subtleties

There are several subtleties that you need to know about before proceeding with the cleaning of the deep fat fryer:

  1. Do not use brushes with hard bristles, sponges made of metal. They can come in handy for working with coarse cast iron pans. They must not be used to clean dishes with non-stick coating. Such brushes lead to the formation of scratches and cracks in which the oil will constantly collect and constantly burn.
  2. No need to apply folk methods and clean the fryer with soda or cleaning powders. Such agents damage the surface of the bowl.
  3. Do not use scrapers.

We figured out how it is impossible and what is unacceptable to use when cleaning this device. Now we can move on to the question of how to clean it.

How to clean a deep fryer with a removable bowl

Some manufacturers produce devices in which both the container and the lid are removable. This design is put in order quite simply. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Disconnect the device from the power supply. Wait a while until it cools completely.
  2. Drain the oil. It is unacceptable to drain oil into the sewer. This can lead to clogging in the pipe, it is better to use a container that can be thrown into the trash.
  3. Take out the container. If there is no food residue in it, then it can be washed with a soft sponge and detergent.
  4. If pieces of food are left in the dishes and are not washed, it makes sense to fill the container with hot water and leave it for several hours. As a result, pieces of the remaining food are soaked and can be removed with a soft cloth.
  5. Eliminate residual grease from the outside of the container, the device body. To do this, use a soft sponge or paper towel.
  6. Rinse the container thoroughly.

How to clean a deep fryer with a fixed bowl?

The key problem that occurs when washing this appliance with a fixed bowl is to prevent water from entering the product. This may cause a short circuit and damage to the device.

  1. Disconnect the fryer from the power and wait for the bowl to cool.
  2. Drain the oil and wipe the container with a paper towel after cooling.
  3. Pour heated water into the container and add a certain amount of dishwashing liquid to it.
  4. Wipe off the water and turn on the fryer. To increase the effect, you can add two tablespoons of food vinegar to the water.
  5. Turn on the appliance and bring the water to a boil.

Cleaning the metal bowl

Manufacturers of these kitchen appliances market fryers with containers made of metal. For their cleaning, several other methods are used and certain precautionary measures are taken:

  1. This appliance must not be placed in a dishwasher or washed under running water. Such actions may cause a circuit during operation.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to pour water into a heated device.
  3. Do not drain used oil into the kitchen sink. This can lead to clogged sewers.

When cleaning metal containers, you can use a solution in which soda enters. To remove old fat, it makes sense to use a soda paste made on the basis of water.

TENA cleaning

When cleaning the deep fryer, you must not forget about the heater. As a rule, it consists of two parts. The remaining oil can be removed using a paper towel. This must be done very carefully, the heater bends easily.

There are models in which ten can change its position, it makes sense to use this. This makes washing easier.

Filter cleaning

Putting the fryer in order also means that the filter will be cleaned. These devices use filters made of different materials. They are usually installed in the lid of this appliance. For their release use foam rubber, coal. The exact type can be found in the instruction manual; sometimes it is also possible to find information on how to clean it properly.

The easiest way to clean filters made of foam rubber. It is enough to get it out and rinse with the use of detergent, then leave to dry.

Carbon filters remove unpleasant odors and cannot be cleaned, most often they are changed.

To clean a fixed filter, the following manipulations must be performed:

  1. Wipe it with a damp cloth.
  2. Wipe it with a rag with detergent.
  3. Wash off a layer of the product and wipe it dry.

Contamination type cleaning

There are several degrees of pollution. Each of them has separate cleaning methods.


If the oil has stood in the bowl for a day or two, then an ordinary dishwashing detergent can cope with such pollution. Hot water is poured into the bowl and the product is added. Usually, two to three times are enough for high-quality tank cleaning. After that, it must be wiped.

The average

In order to remove the thickened oil, it will take great effort. If you could not remove it using traditional detergents, then you have to use a different method. That is, heat the water to 80 degrees, pour it into the bowl and add a few tablespoons of acetic or citric acid. If necessary, execute this option several times. At the end of the dishes, rinse with running water.

Leave the bowl to dry in the air is not worth it. To dry it, it is better to use a dry towel.

By the way, the device can also be washed using ordinary household soap.

Old fat

This problem can be encountered when the dishes are standing with oil for a long time. To clean old oil, it is permissible to use special sponges or brushes that are specially made for washing dishes with non-stick coating. They are used after the methods described above have been used.

Watch the video: Clean your Deep fryer (April 2024).

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